How to Say Capybara in Spanish

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So, you’ve come across the intriguing creature known as the capybara and now you’re wondering how to say it in Spanish? Well, fret not my friend, for I am here to guide you in this linguistic adventure! In this article, we will explore the simple yet fascinating way to pronounce “capybara” in the beautiful language of Spanish. Get ready to impress your amigos with your newfound knowledge and let’s get started on this delightful language journey!

How to Say Capybara in Spanish


Welcome to this article all about capybaras! These fascinating creatures are a true wonder of the animal kingdom, and in this article, we will explore everything you need to know about them. From their basic information and characteristics to their cultural importance and conservation efforts, we’ll cover it all. So, let’s dive into the world of capybaras and learn more about these incredible animals!

Basic Information

What is a Capybara?

A capybara is the largest rodent in the world. They are native to South America and can be found in various countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. These semi-aquatic mammals have a unique appearance, resembling a mix between a giant guinea pig and a small hippopotamus. With their stocky bodies, short legs, and slightly pig-like snouts, capybaras are truly distinctive creatures.

Characteristics of a Capybara

Capybaras have several distinctive characteristics that set them apart from other rodents. First and foremost, their size is truly impressive, with adult capybaras often weighing between 77 and 146 pounds (35 to 66 kg). They have a long, barrel-shaped body that can grow to be about four feet (1.2 meters) in length. Additionally, capybaras have webbed feet which make them excellent swimmers and allow them to navigate their semi-aquatic habitat with ease.

How to Say Capybara in Spanish

Spanish Translation

Direct Translation

In Spanish, the word for capybara is “capybara.” Although the pronunciation is slightly different, the spelling remains the same. So, if you ever find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country, you can confidently use the word “capybara” to refer to these remarkable animals.

Common Names in Spanish

While “capybara” is the most common term used for these creatures in Spanish, there are also some regional variations in different countries. In Argentina, they are sometimes referred to as “carpincho,” while in Colombia and Venezuela, they are known as “chigüiro.” These local names add a touch of cultural diversity to the already enchanting world of capybaras.

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Related Vocabulary


To fully appreciate capybaras, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with some related vocabulary. Here are a few essential animal terms:

  • Mammal: Mamífero
  • Rodent: Roedor
  • Habitat: Hábitat
  • Forest: Bosque
  • Aquatic: Acuático

Parts of a Capybara

To describe capybaras accurately, it’s helpful to know the specific terms for their physical features. Here are a few noteworthy ones:

  • Snout: Morro
  • Ears: Orejas
  • Teeth: Dientes
  • Fur: Pelaje
  • Tail: Cola

How to Say Capybara in Spanish

Using the Word in a Sentence

Examples of Using ‘Capybara’ in Spanish Sentences

To become more comfortable using the term “capybara” in Spanish, here are a few examples of how you can incorporate it into everyday sentences:

  1. Vi un capibara en el bosque hoy. (I saw a capybara in the forest today.)
  2. Los capibaras son excelentes nadadores. (Capybaras are excellent swimmers.)
  3. ¿Sabías que los capibaras son los roedores más grandes del mundo? (Did you know that capybaras are the largest rodents in the world?)

Phrases that Include ‘Capybara’

In addition to using “capybara” in simple sentences, here are a few phrases that include the word and can be useful to know:

  1. Carpincho en el agua: Capybara in the water.
  2. Observa al chigüiro: Watch the capybara.
  3. El capibara se esconde en la vegetación: The capybara hides in the vegetation.

Cultural Importance

Capybaras in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Capybaras hold significant cultural importance in many Spanish-speaking countries. In some regions, they are considered a symbol of biodiversity and are protected by laws to preserve their populations. Additionally, capybara sightings in certain areas are celebrated, and people flock to witness these marvelous creatures in their natural habitat. Their presence enriches the local ecosystems and contributes to the beauty and diversity of the region.

Capybara Traditions or Folklore

In some cultures, capybaras are associated with folklore and traditions. For example, in certain indigenous communities in South America, capybaras are believed to possess healing powers. They are often the subject of stories and legends, where their peaceful and gentle nature is celebrated. These tales serve as a reminder of the mutual respect and harmony between humans and nature.

Also read about  The Value of a Capybara in Gems

How to Say Capybara in Spanish

Interesting Facts

Fun Facts about Capybaras

Here are some fascinating facts about capybaras that will surely pique your interest:

  1. Capybaras are highly social animals and live in groups called “herds” or “troops.”
  2. They have a symbiotic relationship with a species of bird called the “red-billed woodpecker,” which helps remove parasites from their fur.
  3. Capybaras can communicate through various vocalizations, including purring, barking, and whistling.
  4. They are herbivores and primarily feed on grass and aquatic plants.
  5. Capybaras are excellent swimmers and can stay submerged underwater for up to five minutes.

Capybara Conservation Efforts

Due to their charismatic nature and ecological significance, capybaras are the focus of several conservation efforts. Organizations in South America work to protect their natural habitats, raise awareness about their importance, and ensure their populations remain stable. These conservation initiatives aim to safeguard these incredible creatures for future generations to admire and learn from.

Similar Animals

Rodents to Which Capybara Belongs

Capybaras belong to the rodent family, which includes various other fascinating creatures. Some notable rodents that share a similar ancestry with capybaras are:

  • Guinea Pig: Cobayo or Cuy (in Spanish)
  • Beaver: Castor
  • Nutria: Nutria
  • Porcupine: Puercoespín

Animals with Similarities to Capybaras

While capybaras are truly unique, there are some other animal species that share certain traits with them or dwell in similar habitats. These include:

  • Hippopotamus: Hipopótamo
  • Tapir: Tapir
  • Manatee: Manatí
  • Water Buffalo: Búfalo de agua

How to Say Capybara in Spanish


Congratulations! By reading this comprehensive article, you have gained a wealth of knowledge about capybaras, their characteristics, cultural importance, and more. Remember to cherish and respect these incredible creatures, whether you encounter them in their natural habitat or simply read about them in books. Let’s continue to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom and strive to protect our cohabitants on this magnificent planet.

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