Baby Capybara’s Meal Plan

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Capybaras primarily feed by grazing. In their natural surroundings, they munch on coarse grass and shrubs located near water bodies, both day and night.

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If you’re planning to welcome a capybara into your home, it’s important to keep in mind that they will graze constantly on what you provide. To ensure they have access to food at all times, make sure hay and vegetables are always available, and top up the bowls before you sleep. If they finish all their food or just get bored, they might chew on anything within reach to explore its taste.

Items like electrical cords, shoes, blankets, and bed ruffles are all at risk if they’re at biting level. And don’t think that capybaras remain small—the bottom drawer in the pictures is 9″ high (22 cm), and they can grow to be three times that size. The following photos showcase his early days.

A fully grown capybara would likely create a large hole in that carpet. Not only that, but he would have emptied the lower shelf, chewed the button off my sweater, destroyed those stuffed animals and quilt, and pulled the curtains down to the ground.


Stacy’s Funny Farm is a §501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We appreciate any size donations. Monthly giving is especially helpful. If you’re unable to donate at this time, please stick around on Hibby’s YouTube channel (@hippopotatomus) and watch a few videos. We earn a lot from those ads!

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